Hosts | DogTorque
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Meet the Team


Laura McKillop

Growing up with horses her entire life in the Hawkesbury NSW, Laura's passion for animals is probably inherited throughout her family gene pool, where her late grandfather owned and operated a beef cattle farm.
At only 20 years old, she has successfully competed at State, National and Royal events, within the Australian Stock Horse Society, and alongside her sister Brydie, they also travel regional NSW judging events.
Laura's passion for working dogs developed after watching her mum train and compete in yard trialling, and after attending the 2019 Bathurst Royal Show in support, she walked away saying "I'm getting a dog"..
Laura now has 5 of her own dogs at various ages and abilities, and when she isn't spending time with her pack, she is working on the next issue of the Australian Working Stock Dog Magazine.


Daniel Camilleri

Spending all holidays and most weekends on his grandparents cattle feedlot, where they also made a living from breeding dogs, Dan found himself "being the dog", and has vivid memories of running & kicking out around the dam to head cattle when they broke from the mob.An auto electrician by trade, he has been involved in the earthmoving industry for nearly 20 years, visiting and spending time with different stockmen and stockwomen during his extensive travel throughout regional NSW.Dan is the father of two energetic kids, living on acreage in the Hawkesbury NSW. If he isn't yard, 3 sheep or utility trialing of a weekend, he can often be found travelling around NSW catching up with mates working & training dogs.

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